

My work is about simplicity on a negative space. I've been motivated when I examine natural things as well as the structure of materials. My inspiration is from the nature of 'water' described in East Asian philosophy, In reality, I've experienced its metaphoric idea in various circumstances. Water is sustaing the growth of everything in the world but willing to dwell at the lowest places. It appears to be soft, weak and formless, but it overcomes the hard and strong, becoming the power of it gathers. This idea has influenced upon my thought and also working processes which are composed of repetitive works, taking time.

2014 MFA, Bathspa University, UK.
2000 PhD, University of Sheffield, UK.

professional experience
1990-2011 Sangmyung University, Seoul (teaching).
1996-2000 Information Studies, University of Sheffield, Sheffield (research).
2003-2013 'Automatic Text Processor' registered by Korean Intellectural Property Office.

solo exhibitions.
2014 Istanbul-Korea Art Show, Cennet Kultur ve Sanat Merkezi, Istanbul.
2008 Europe and Asia Today, Art Center Berlin, Berlin.

selected group exhibitions
2023 New Art Highlights 10-16 July (https://community.
2023 Life and Death. (
2022 Plastic Art Seoul 2022, COEX, Seoul.
2022 Exhibizone-Winter 2022 (
2021 Diversia-Differences-2021 Online Exhibition (
2021 10th BAMA, BEXCO, Busan.
2021 Selected as New Art Highlights (
2020 Korea-Japan Art Show, Mirinae Gallery, Embassy of South Korea, Osaka.
2020 Contemporary Artists, LeeSoo Gallery, Seoul
2019, 2018 Seoul Art Show, COEX, Seoul.
2018 Selected for 'Category of the WeeK', AXISWEB ( UK
2018 Hello New York, Able Fine Art gallery, New York
2017 Hued in the Korean Traditional House, LeeSoo gallery, Seoul
2017 A Transparent Bag, Kyung-In Museum of Fine Art, Seoul
2016 Present and Future of the Korean Fine Art, Seoul Art Center, Seoul.
2016 The Woman Photo Festival, Seoul Art Center Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul.
2015 Korea Art Festival, Joseph D. Carrier Art Gallery, Columbus Centre, Ontario.
2014 MFAShow, Bath School of Art and Design, Sionhill, Bath.
2014 Korea & Turkey friendship exchange exhibition, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul.
2013 MFA Interim show, Bath School of Art and Design, Dartmouth Project Space, Bath.
2012 the 8th Korea Fine Arts Concours for Peace. Peace Fine Arts Association, Seoul.
2012 the 3rd Whoi So group exhibition, Baiksong gallery, Seoul.
2010 happiness plus, IllMARE gallery, Seoul.
2008 the 11th World Peace Art exhibiiton, Seoul art gallery, Seoul.
2008 Vision, Topohaus, Seoul.
2007 Good Life, GS Tower gallery, Seoul.
2006 San Francisco Korean Contemporary Art, Kang gallery, San Francisco.
2006 Vision: the Exhibition for Charity, Vit gallery, Seoul.
2005 the 16th Kagoshima-Kwangju exchange exhibition, Kagoshima Historical Resources Center, Kagoshima.

2012 shortlisted, The 8th Korea Fine Arts Concours for Peace. Peace Fine Arts Association.
2008 shortlisted, The 11th World Peace Art Exhibition, IAEWP.